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About Us

Our Publicly-Elected Commissioners

The District is governed by a publicly elected, three-member Board of Commissioners, consisting of a president, a vice president, and a secretary. The term of office is six years and the terms are staggered.

Shauna Willner
Servicio de Alcantarillado desde 1970

Commissioner Position #1

Term 2020–2025

Shauna Willner is a lifelong resident in this area and grew up in North Seattle. She is a Realtor with Windermere R.E., Northeast, Inc. and has enjoyed working with buyers and sellers since 2000 and enjoys helping people achieve their goals of homeownership. Prior to Real Estate, she had a banking/mortgage lending career with Phoenix Mortgage, Bay Mortgage and others.

In 2012, she was elected for Fire Commissioner at Snohomish County Fire District 7 and served through 2017. She worked collaboratively to provide first-rate service to the district while balancing the budget and overseeing a successful merger which will lower costs and expand services to the community.

She will ensure that facilities and equipment are maintained and upgraded, and will work collaboratively as a regional leader to ensure the District is obtaining the best contracted services.

In addition to serving as President of the HOA where she presides, Shauna enjoys her two grown sons and three grandsons and is one lucky Grandma to live close by!

John Warner
Shauna Willner

Puesto de Comisionado #1

Término 2020–2025

Mr. John Warner was appointed to the Board  on December 24, 2019, following Commissioner Bill Anderson's resignation after 35 years of service to the District.

En 2012, fue elegida Comisionada de Bomberos en el Distrito de Bomberos 7 del Condado de Snohomish y sirvió hasta 2017. Trabajó en colaboración para brindar un servicio de primer nivel al distrito mientras equilibraba el presupuesto y supervisaba una fusión exitosa que reducirá los costos y ampliará los servicios al distrito. comunidad.

Ella se asegurará de que las instalaciones y el equipo se mantengan y actualicen, y trabajará en colaboración como líder regional para garantizar que el Distrito obtenga los mejores servicios contratados.

Anne Backstrom
Anne Backstrom

Juan Warner

Term 2018–2023

Anne grew up in Everett, graduated from Everett High School, and continues to enjoy giving back to her community.

Él y su esposa Kathy han establecido su hogar en el área de Silver Lake durante más de 27 años. En 1964, John comenzó su carrera en la planificación y diseño de mejoras al sistema de carreteras del estado. En 1974, comenzó a trabajar con una empresa consultora de ingeniería como diseñador/dibujante y, finalmente, pasó a ocupar un puesto de inspección de campo, donde inspeccionó la construcción de carreteras, plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales y redes de alcantarillado y agua para muchos municipios y distritos de propósito especial. . A partir de 1994, John se convirtió en el inspector principal de la mayoría de los proyectos de construcción de agua y alcantarillado del Distrito, incluidas nuevas tuberías principales de agua y alcantarillado, estación de bombeo, embalses y otros proyectos municipales hasta que se jubiló en 2011.

John se graduó de Lincoln High School (Seattle) y completó varios cursos de nivel universitario en los campos de ingeniería, agrimensura, pruebas de materiales y negocios.

Anne has been a Silver Lake Water & Sewer District customer since 2000 and has always considered Snohomish County her home.

Board of Commissioners Meetings

Silver Lake Water & Sewer District welcomes the public to attend and comment at our Board of Commissioners meetings, held on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at 5:30 p.m. Currently, these meetings are being held in a hybrid format (in-person and virtually). 


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM


9:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Closed Saturday, Sunday,
and major holidays

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Contact Us

(425) 337-3647

After hours and emergencies press "1"

15205 41st Ave SE
Bothell, WA 98012

©2022 por Silver Lake Water & Sewer District, todos los derechos reservados.

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